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Studio Work
Wearable Sculpture:
Condom Skirt

When I was a student at the College of Saint Rose, I was terrified of getting pregnant. In response to my fear, I made this bright and shiny skirt. It’s pretty flashy, and from a distance looks very attractive. Up close, one can see that it is made of condoms and birth control pill packets. Collecting these materials was somewhat difficult. Fellow students were happy to donate their empty pill packets, but when I went to Health Services I was told they do not give out condoms because of the College’s religious affiliation. This surprised and angered me. Contraceptives should be available to all students because condoms enable students to practice safe sex and protect against unwanted pregnancy. I felt more empowered than terrified after making this wearable art piece. I am empowered to works towards change.


©2023 Alyssa Varsanyi

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